Catchment management
Support decision making and target action to best effect with our innovative catchment analyses. We combine multiple data-sets, customised to your project, into easy-to-interpret visuals.

Soil mapping
Independent, property-scale mapping to support appropriate and sustainable land use, manage land use change, and inform compliant and cost-effective nutrient management.

Subdivision consents
Does your subdivision plan conflict with the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land and/or other land use planning conditions? Sound information at the right scale may assist your project.

Dairy farm effluent management
Mapping and assessment of soil risk for FDE application to land.

Soil monitoring
Design and sampling for soil quality monitoring and soil monitoring for resource consents for wastewater application to land.

Consent hearings
Sound experience and reputation in presenting at council hearings on high-class soil and highly productive land issues nationwide.
Landsystems is an independent land resource and GIS consultancy, providing specialist soil mapping, soil sampling and land resource information expertise.
Landsystems was formed to meet the needs of clients wanting soil and land resource information for farm management, catchment management and land development. Collectively, the team has over 40 years of relevant experience. Landsystems’ streamlined company structure delivers affordable, customised high-quality services.
Landsystems provides a unique combination of GIS, soil mapping and land resource services to government, industry and individuals. Our skills are well suited to complex land resource and catchment-focused spatial analysis projects. No project too small or too large.

Landsystems is Waikato based but operates nationwide.
For all enquiries contact Dr Reece Hill.
Email: reece@landsystems.co.nz